DayOneCovers has an open policy on pricing. We have a pricing policy both for buying and for selling. We occasionally buy Benham covers direct from collectors. We aim to buy most of our covers at approximately 20% of the current Benham catalogue price, i.e. at approximately 40% of our selling price. If you want us to consider buying your unwanted Benham covers, send us a list first or email us at buying@dayonecovers.com but please read the following... Note that we are NOT currently buying any of the following Benham covers:
Note that we are NOT currently buying any of the following covers:
We sell most of our covers at approximately half the current Benham catalogue price, except for covers catalogued over £50, and recent covers (from the last few years), which we sell for two-thirds the current Benham catalogue price. There are a very small number of exceptions to this general rule. All covers are clean and packaged, and subject to availability. Any cover which fails to give complete satisfaction can be returned within thirty days of purchase.
You can find payment options here. We charge £2.50 per order for packing and postage within the UK, no matter how many covers are sent. Postage and packing to Europe is £4.00 and to the Rest of the World is £6.00 for single covers. For larger purchases, international postage and packing is at cost. Please ask us for details.
If you would like to see a scan of any cover, please email us For details on how to order, click here. This page was last updated: 14/04/20 |